Battle Video Premiere

In the saint’s experience, the eternal saga begins at conversion. And what a battle it was to win us! So we present to you the first track and video from The Eternal Saga of the Saints, Book One | Embark: Battle.
And so the saga begins…

Quina Aragon

Quina Aragon

Quina Aragon's articles, poems, and spoken word videos have been featured on The Gospel Coalition, Risen Motherhood, Journey Women, Fathom Mag, and The Witness: BCC. She resides in Tampa, FL with her husband Jon and beautiful, three-year-old daughter. Quina's first children's book, Love Made, is a poetic retelling of the creation story that highlights God as the Trinity, humans as His image bearers, and children as a delightful gift.


  • Monique H says:

    Quina, this is amazing. Very moving, heart-wrenching, and beautiful. The Lord is using you in a beautiful way to speak of His love, mercy, how He is just and most importantly His truth. I am encouraged by this and hear something new and moving every time I listen to it. Thank you

  • Ludy Joseph says:

    IQVP! My sister. This is such a beautifully recorded glimpse of the love, grace, mercy, and peace of our walks. I am so encouraged by your vision of the gospel. Thank you!

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