”We trust the faithful One who hung for us in shame
then abandoned the grave…victorious.”

I had the privilege of writing the script for this beautiful film created by my husband and shot in Iceland for Native Supply. I pray its words encourage you, especially if you find yourself in a painful season. Go check out the film at @nativesupply_ and read Jon’s accompanying TGC article “How To Say ‘God is Faithful’ When Suffering Won’t Stop.”

Created by @jondoulos
Directed by @juan_creates
Director of Photography @haylee__garcia
Music by @akhitchens
Script Writer @quina_aragon 🤗



Full Script by yours truly 🙂


Confident assurance in what’s not yet seen.

Not merely a feeling, but a commitment 

a determination to throw your whole being upon this one thing,

this one being: God.

Is it enough for you 

to believe He is who He says He is? 

Is He more precious to you 

than all of His gifts? Than life itself? 

In the storm, 

as sweet comforts fade and the pain settles in,

will your faith remain? 

They say we all have faith in something…true

a system, a dream, a vision, a plan…

But what about… 

One who descended from the heights of unspeakable riches and glory

to live in poverty…a refugee, a servant, a man of sorrows

Driven by love to flip this world’s corruption and decay on its head. 

One of whom they said, “Could anything good come from Nazareth?” 

His life, His words, His nail-pierced hands 

resound with a “Yes.” 

Even as we faint and fade to black, fickle and frail

We still stand—not in our own strength, no way on our own merit 

but secure in His infinitely stronger hand, His far greater faithfulness.

We trust the faithful One who hung for us in shame

then abandoned the gravevictorious.

So while the world crowns success, 

we’ll take the crown that never fades faithfulness.

Welcome to Native Supply Fall ’19 Collection.

Quina Aragon

Quina Aragon

Quina Aragon's articles, poems, and spoken word videos have been featured on The Gospel Coalition, Risen Motherhood, Journey Women, Fathom Mag, and The Witness: BCC. She resides in Tampa, FL with her husband Jon and beautiful, three-year-old daughter. Quina's first children's book, Love Made, is a poetic retelling of the creation story that highlights God as the Trinity, humans as His image bearers, and children as a delightful gift.

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