
By February 20, 2016May 2nd, 2017No Comments

A few notes from Choosing Gratitude byNancy Leigh DeMoss

– Spending ample time giving thanks to God in prayer deepens your understanding of Him as you realize how gracious He is in all He’s doing. Giving thanks improves our depth-perception of God.

– Jesus often stopped to give thanks to the Father. But perhaps the most profound time that He did was three times during the Last Supper. He stopped to give thanks to God three times, being fully aware the betrayal, arrest, beating, cross, and wrath that was about to occur. How much more should I be giving thanks in trials?

– There’s a difference between feeling grateful and actually giving thanks. The Scripture commands us to give thanks aloud to God, in private and in public. And it makes a difference in my joy and witness when I gives thanks aloud and not just keep it in my heart.

Quina Aragon

Quina Aragon

Quina Aragon's articles, poems, and spoken word videos have been featured on The Gospel Coalition, Risen Motherhood, Journey Women, Fathom Mag, and The Witness: BCC. She resides in Tampa, FL with her husband Jon and beautiful, three-year-old daughter. Quina's first children's book, Love Made, is a poetic retelling of the creation story that highlights God as the Trinity, humans as His image bearers, and children as a delightful gift.

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